This World of Images
A prediction made in the 1960s about the world after WW2 and in the face of late-capitalism is that it would become post-Modern – something that remembers the Enlightenment and Industrialization, remembers real empire... but isn't those things anymore.
Empire is economic, if its effects are still brutally physical.
Industrialization is still here, but superceded by Information.
The Enlightenment's legacy of democratic ideals, human rights, and a bias to evidence over faith or authority is still here.
But they are not the power forming our lives any longer.
The image rules. Truthiness over truth. Data over knowledge. ... You feel this? The forms are still there, but the experience of them has become ... ghostly.
That's post-Modern.
Medusa Rising has to work in this post-Modern space — she has no choice — but swerved and deepened. It's OK. Feminists have always wanted to work the deep time, the background, see beyond the foreground. Mary Daly taught us much about this. To read through the patriarchal screens for the women's world behind them.
Meaning > Content
Experience > Identity
Knowledge > Attention
Movement > Influence
I do have to capture your attention, exert some influence, for this project to even survive. But I want more for you, for us. Better than generate content, I want manifest meaning. Better than perform any identity, I want crash into experience. Better than grab your attention, I want to share knowledge. Better than capitalize on influence, I want to weave women's movement into a state of concrete agency.
Yeah, Medusa Rising want to make RadMatFem bite-sized superfoods, but to make them nourishing, it all has to be slow-cooked, has come out of deep process ... to have the mark of the human all over it.