Flow, Unfolding, Feminism is a project about the future
We have to be willing to improvise, mess up, revise, and make world on the fly -- we're not building a buisness model we can product test, we're making world.
We have to be willing to improvise, mess up, revise, and make world on the fly -- we're not building a buisness model we can product test, we're making world.
As always, we must decide what our social contract means and how to live it. Are we preparing for a break-down so complete that we have a chance to re-write that contract? We must be. A death-drive is an endless hunger, and we must be prepared to restore life as we would live it.
Radical Notion Remix
An on-going cluster of Radical Notion call-backs in more portable & snazzier formats like summaries, infographics, & discussion podcasts.