RadMatFem Connect

A practice of strategic intersectionality based in generative difference is only possible when we know who we can work with and where they are. From time to time we will share this call for solidarity. So let's get connecting!

RadMatFem Connect
Photo by Bhushan Sadani / Unsplash

A practice of strategic intersectionality based in generative difference is only possible when we know who we can work with and where they are. From time to time we will share this call for solidarity. So let's get connecting!

We are looking for feminists and feminist organizations Anywhere On Earth whose work and values comport with RadMatFem. We will publish collections of your suggestions anytime we have good clutch of them to share.

Medusa Rising wants to foster the emergence of a RadMatFem international.

A couple of boundaries we maintain, and ask you use to help focus your recommendations:

  • You may include those that recognize the dignity and humanity of TQ identifying people because we do too, we just don't confuse sex and gender (we know that's a complex demographic, no need to hector us).
  • You may not include those that displace or other women and girls in society and cutlure to accomodate TQ identifying people by confusing sex and gender.
  • You may include those that hold "small l" liberal values and a touch of the 'empowerment feminism'.
  • You may not include those that accept resources from &/ partner with right-wing organizations &/ the political/religious right. No disgust politics, no hate, no racism, no xenophobia – no othering.

Why these boundaries? Because in many parts of the world this insurgent TQ identity movement is an immediate threat to women and girls rights and dignity, but the resurgent and very successful far-right international is a deeper and longer term threat. We agree this is complicated, even unsatifactory.

Solidarity is the priniciple that others deserve as much freedom, dignity, and thriving as I do.

As bloody rediculous as it is that 'be kind' and all that comes with it is even a thing, the groups that include (not stridently focus on) TQ idenitifying people are seeking dignity, freedom, and thriving for them and for women. They are tyring to overcome gender's essentialism even if they are confused about how. That we can work with. Ultra-conservative, religious fundamentalist, far-right liberatarian, and authoritarian groups/organziations are not seeking dignity and freedom for all. These are trying to enforce gender essentialism, some with force, and that is the opposite of women's dignity, freedom, and thriving.

Feminism is not an omnicuase, it is not for everybody. Feminism is liberation a movmement for women from the interlocking systems of male supremacy called patriarchy. We work with people whose causes amplify women's dignity, freedom, and thriving.

Feminist+ not >Feminist. We are looking to amplify points of intersection as ground for work. Where does my oppression overlap with yours, what issues are we both affected by, and what can we build there together that strengthens both our causes? Where do we need to work separately? How can we be hunting as a pack even then? That's our Venn diagram. In a living movement, that digaram will shift.